Santo Antonio dam (with a volume of over 40 million cubic meters of compacted earthfill and 500,000,000 m3 of stored tailings and it is the largest tailings dam in Brazil).
Preparation of conceptual, Basic and Executive designs of 20 stages dam raising;
Technical Fieldworks of 20 stages dam raising;
Monthly monitoring of instrumentation with reporting;
Preparation of Conceptual Design of Closure Plan;
Preparation of various studies Hypothetical Failure (Dam Break);
Preparation of various Dam Safety Audits in accordance with Federal Law 12.334 and DNPM Ordinance 70.389;
Preparation of Dam Safety Plan in accordance with Federal Law 12.334 and DNPM Ordinance 70.389;
Preparation Emergency Action Plan of Mining Dam in accordance with Federal Law 12.334 and DNPM Ordinance 70.389;
Risk Letters of preparation (attention, warning and emergency levels for instrumentation) of the dam;
Preparation of various studies of water balance and Raising Stages Planning through AcquaTailings software, developed by GeoHydroTech.
Specific tanks (lined with geosynthetic double layer for the storage of sulphide tailings with leak detection system)
Preparation of conceptual, Basic and Executive designs of 8 tanks;
Preparation of various Dam Safety Audits in accordance with Federal Law 12.334 and DNPM Ordinance 70.389.
Preparation of Dam Safety Plan in accordance with Federal Law 12.334 and DNPM Ordinance 70.389.
Preparation of Emergency Action Plan of Mining Dam in accordance with Federal Law 12.334 and DNPM Ordinance 70.389.
Murici deposit (lined tank to store hazardous waste)
'Cross Check' Studies of the Tank Executive Design.
Basic and Executive Design for the disassembling, removal and road transport of the tailings from Velha Dam and Córrego da Lavagem Dam reservoirs to store in Murici Reservoir.